The Foundation Doctor

Wellbeing and Support


This page includes a range of tools and information to address various aspects of well-being. If you require specific support see the advice on how to ask for that below via the STEP form. Some of this might seem like common sense but there's always time to reflect on your strategies and try something new.

Physical Wellness

  1. Going for a run, a swim or weight training exercises can help your body produce endorphins and dopamine. It's hard to get into a habit after work, so it might help to look for gyms with classes so you can sign up for sessions that work alongside your shifts.
  2. Unsure how much exercise is recommended? See the NHS Website: Exercise page and select your age group.
  3. Home workouts were at a peak during the COVID-19 Pandemic which led to a huge increase in online exercise classes. You can find them on YouTube and once again the NHS Website
Exercises for medical students and doctors

Mental Health Support

  1. NHS Practitioner Health is a self-referral mental health support service available for all NHS clinicians.
  2. Occupational Health - Your local trust will have a dedicated Occupational Health Team which can be contacted via the local intranet, switchboard or email. They can provide lifestyle, health promotion and wellbeing services. This is the team to contact if you require extra support for your role; adaptations to work schedule or workplace environment.
  3. Find local mental health charities through The Hub of Hope
  4. and Mental Health Foundation.
  5. For further information you can look at the NHS Website: Mental Health.
  6. Remember to book annual leave in advance, this way you can have something extra to look forward to.
  7. Take time for yourself. There may be times when you feel like you're not getting that much "you" time. For some, it can help to set time aside to do things that you enjoy, for example, hobbies, attending groups or even just watching a good TV show in the comfort of your home.
mental health support for medical students and doctors

STEP form

The STEP form ( Supporting Trainees Entering Practice) is a way in which suitable adjustments and support plans can be put in place for your clinical practice. The form should be completed before starting work and sent to the Foundation School in which you will start working. For more guidance, including a template of the form Click here.

STEP form for medical students and doctors

Stretch your earnings

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Financial information for medical students and doctors